Center for Preclinical Research
Center for Preclinical Research – The Competent Partner for your Research Projects
The Center for Preclinical Research (CPR) is a central facility of the Technical University of Munich Medical School. We develop and establish research models for the treatment of diseases, for example in the areas of oncology (cancer research), cardiology, neurology, ophthalmology, and orthopaedics. These models enable the study of new treatment strategies and diagnostic methods for severe medical conditions.
Cancer remains one of the most important challenges of our time. The average number of people diagnosed with cancer during their lifetimes is growing continuously. As a Core Facility of the faculty and of the TranslaTUM—the unique, Munich-based platform for a close and cross-functional "translational" cooperation between research, technology, and practical application—our mission is to provide supporting services for translational research with its multidisciplinary approach to fighting cancer, so that patients in clinics can benefit from new treatment options as soon as possible.
Our Policy – Strict Rules to Ensure Maximum Safety for Humans and Animals
In-vivo trials are still essential, and required by law, to reveal any adverse effects and potential risks arising from new treatment strategies and diagnostic methods. The application procedures, licensing, and performance of such trials are strictly regulated to ensure maximum safety for humans and the best possible protection for the animals. In keeping with our policy, we are committed to the strict implementation of the internationally recognised "3R" principle (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement) for avoiding, improving, and reducing animal studies. This means that alternatives must be used wherever possible. Additionally, our aim is to select the best and least harmful methods and to perform only the minimum number of experiments required to achieve scientifically sound results.
About us – Our Know-how for your Research Project
The specially trained staff of the Center for Preclinical Research (CPR) provide the following services:
- Animal Welfare Services
Consulting in planning (especially, regarding the use of alternative methods), professional support during project preparation and implementation, and implementation of research projects in accordance with animal welfare.
- Animal Care Services
We place the highest priority on species-appropriate housing, care, and food for the animals. Together, veterinary surgeons, veterinary assistants, and animal care attendants look after our animals.
- Education and Training in Line with the 3R Principle
Organisation and delivery of training, continuing education and professional development courses for scientists and all individuals working on animal experiments to ensure that research projects are implemented in strict compliance with all rules and in accordance with animal welfare.
- Animal Welfare Projects
Implementation of projects that promote animal welfare in laboratory animal science and for agricultural livestock.
Important Links:
Access to the CPR services
Upcoming course dates of the CPR Education and Training Centre